
The latest news from Dybles, the Winchester property market and more….

The road ahead for the property market in Winchester
Osc. Studio Osc. Studio

The road ahead for the property market in Winchester

There is no doubt that the last two years have been a seller’s dream, with some houses selling within hours and over the asking price. It is widely reported that this bubble has burst up and down the country. However, Winchester has a proven record of weathering some of the property storms over the years, but to achieve a successful sale in todays market, sellers may want to rethink their selling strategy.

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Dark evenings getting you down? Try the Nordic wellness trend of koselig
Osc. Studio Osc. Studio

Dark evenings getting you down? Try the Nordic wellness trend of koselig

Once upon a time, we were all about hygge – aka the cosy Danish concept that asked us to embrace staying in with flickering candles, cashmere blankets, mugs of tea, and woolly socks.

We’re now embracing another wellbeing trend from Norway, koselig. And, while it’s been dubbed by many as a sort of hygge 2.0, koselig’s emphasis on social interaction means it’s perfect for helping us get through the colder months.

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Garden offices are one of the top key home selling features this year
Osc. Studio Osc. Studio

Garden offices are one of the top key home selling features this year

Every buyer has a wish list of what they want from their new home, and understanding buyers is important if you are looking to sell your home in Winchester. As the autumn nights draw in, your mind is no doubt focused on your interior rather than your exterior, but there is one feature that is dominating property listings, thus showing the demand from buyers. Post-pandemic is all about garden offices, and we can completely understand why.

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